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Unterkünfte ab: Petchabun Hotels 19€, Tak Bungalows 22€, Saraburi Guesthouse 22€, 

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Kamphaeng-Phet Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)   > Karte

Chakungrao River Hotel

Chakungrao River Hotel
149 Taysa 1 Road, Amphur Muang, Kamphaeng Phet 62000
Location: Kamphaeng Phet
950 THB
ca. 19.79 EUR
ca. 29.36 USD
zur Buchung

Phet Hotel

Phet Hotel
189 Burmroongraj Road Soi 3, Kamphaengphet 62000
Location: Kamphaengphet
780 THB
ca. 16.25 EUR
ca. 24.11 USD
zur Buchung

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Lamphun Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Gassan Khuntan Golf & Resort

Gassan Khuntan Golf & Resort
222 Moo 3, Thapladuk, Mae Tha, Lamphun 51140
Location: Lamphun
1400 THB
ca. 29.17 EUR
ca. 43.27 USD
zur Buchung

Gassan Lake City Golf & Resort

Gassan Lake City Golf & Resort
88 Moo 7, Ban Thi, Lamphun 51180
Location: Lamphun
1400 THB
ca. 29.17 EUR
ca. 43.27 USD
zur Buchung

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Lopburi Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Lopburi Inn Resort

Lopburi Inn Resort
144 Opposite Lopburi Inn Plaza, Paholyothin Road, Lopburi 15000
Location: Lopburi
950 THB
ca. 19.79 EUR
ca. 29.36 USD
zur Buchung

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Nan Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Dhevaraj Hotel

Dhevaraj Hotel
466 Sumonthevaraj Road, Nan 55000
Location: Nan
900 THB
ca. 18.75 EUR
ca. 27.82 USD
zur Buchung

City Park Hotel

City Park Hotel
99 Yantarakitkosol rd.,Dutai, A. Muang, Nan 55000
Location: Nan
700 THB
ca. 14.58 EUR
ca. 21.63 USD
zur Buchung

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Phetchabun Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Imperial Phukaew Hill Resort

Imperial Phukaew Hill Resort
99 Moo 5, Phisanulok-Lomsak Road, Campson, Khaokhor, Petchaboon 67280
Location: Petchabun
1500 THB
ca. 31.25 EUR
ca. 46.36 USD

zur Buchung

Phu Hin View Resort

Phu Hin View Resort
106 Moo 5, Tambol Nakoh, Amphur Lomkao, Petchaboon 67120
Location: Petchabun
950 THB
ca. 19.79 EUR
ca. 29.36 USD
zur Buchung

Kosit Hill Hotel Convention Center

Kosit Hill Hotel Convention Center
39 Samakkeechai Road, Amphur Muang, Petchaboon 67000
Location: Petchabun
900 THB
ca. 18.75 EUR
ca. 27.82 USD
zur Buchung

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Phayao Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Gateway Hotel

Gateway Hotel
7/36 Pratuklong 2 Road, A. Muang, Phayao 56000
Location: Phayao
950 THB
ca. 19.79 EUR
ca. 29.36 USD
zur Buchung

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Phrae Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Nakorn Phrae Tower Hotel

Nakorn Phrae Tower Hotel
3 Muanghit Road, Amphur Muang, Phrae 54000
Location: Phrae 
690 THB
ca. 14.38 EUR
ca. 21.33 USD
zur Buchung

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Samut Songkhram Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordwest-Thailand)

Baan Amphawa

Baan Amphawa
22 Bangkapom-Kaewfah, Amphawa, Samut Songkhram 75110
Location: Samut Songkhram, Amphawa
2550 THB
ca. 53.13 EUR
ca. 78.81 USD
zur Buchung

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Saraburi Hotels & Unterkünfte (Zentral-Nordthailand)

Muaklek Health & Spa and Resort

Muaklek Health & Spa and Resort
208/1 Muaklek-Wangmuang Road, Muaklek, Saraburi 18180
Location: Saraburi
1400 THB
ca. 29.17 EUR
ca. 43.27 USD
zur Buchung

Muaklek Paradise Resort

Muaklek Paradise Resort
42/2 Moo 2, T. Muaklek, Saraburi 18180
Location: Saraburi
1050 THB
ca. 21.88 EUR
ca. 32.45 USD
zur Buchung

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Suphan-Buri Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordthailand)

Khum Suphan Hotel

Khum Suphan Hotel
28/2 Muenharn Road, Muang, Suphanburi 72000
Location: Suphanburi
850 THB
ca. 17.71 EUR
ca. 26.27 USD
zur Buchung

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Tak Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordwest-Thailand)

Centara Mae Sot Hill Resort

Centara Mae Sot Hill Resort
100 Asia Road, Mae Sot, Tak 63110
Location: Tak
1500 THB
ca. 31.25 EUR
ca. 46.36 USD
zur Buchung

Viang Tak Riverside Hotel

Viang Tak Riverside Hotel
236 Chomphol Road, Rahang Muang,Tak 63000
Location: Tak
950 THB
ca. 19.79 EUR
ca. 29.36 USD
zur Buchung

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Uthai-Thani Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nordwest-Thailand)

Avatar Spa Mountain Suites

Avatar Spa Mountain Suites
454 Moo 3 T. Baan-rai Baan-rai, Uthaithani 61140
Location: Uthaithani
2450 THB
ca. 51.04 EUR
ca. 75.72 USD
zur Buchung

Huay Kha Khaeng Country Home

Huay Kha Khaeng Country Home
102 Moo 8, Kokkway Banrai, Uthaithani 61140
Location: Uthaithani, Huay Kha Khaeng
850 THB
ca. 17.71 EUR
ca. 26.27 USD
zur Buchung

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Uttaradit Hotels & Unterkünfte (Nord-Thailand)

Seeharaj Hotel

Seeharaj Hotel
163 Baromaad Road, Amphur Muang, Uttaradit
Location: Uttaradit
800 THB
ca. 16.67 EUR
ca. 24.73 USD
zur Buchung
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